Sunday, May 16, 2010

goooooodddddd morning daddddddyyyyyyyyy :) off to the zoo today, so that should be super fun! AANNNDDD we are going to Whataburger and Sonic...I'm way excited :) love you

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

So our kids are totally weird. They should never have a problem with the fact that WE are their parents because in my opinion they are going to top our weird behavior before to long. But I guess what can you expect with as dorky as we are! Zayda is incredibly ticklish which I get is not too odd, but I think the fact that her most ticklish spot is right around her boobs next to her arm pits is pretty friggin' odd. And her preference for nipples on her bottles. Can't be the silicone one, and doesn't want to nurse from the real thing, she wants the hard-to-find latex ones. And sometimes those you even have to squeeze her in mouth before she'll start doing it herself. So kay, that might be more just plain lazy then weird.
But Steven, boy, that kid takes the cake. The oddest thing to date is sticking his finger in his diaper only to remove a poopy finger and licking it. And he didn't seem to upset about it either. just odd and ewwwww! Plus his little penchant for squirelling things around in places whether it be food or toys, it's just odd. That and you never know where you are going to find a snack or a toy.

So yes, our kids may be totally weird but they are also the cutest things around. I love that Zayda likes to be rocked and held very close while she is eating. I mean, she doesn't just want to eat, she wants to be LOVED while she eats. too cute. And Steven, no matter how naughty he has been that day, nothing beats after bath and before bed when he wants to sit as close to you as possible and read book after book. It makes you say it's okay just so that you can sit and cuddle with him some more.

And then the icing is when the kids are sweet to each other. I caught Steven giving Zayda a kiss on the mouth and it about melted my heart. It's moments like that one that make all the sleepless nights, temper tantrums and outright naughtiness just be okay. wouldn't trade it for anything.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pool side fun!

we went to the pool today and Zayda had her first trip into the pool! I wish it was not as breezy but she still had a good time! Grandpa and I also took Steven to the Sauhrita park the other day and he had fun most of the time. He was not so excited about being pushed down the slide...wonder why that is, daddy? But for the most part it was fun.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I want to, but I really can't.

There are some who say that you need to just have a good cry, and for the most part, I do whole heartedly believe that. There are moments when I just need to have my little pity party and then I can be done with and go about my day. These last few weeks tho, have been hard. I have not been able to throw myself my little pity party. I have wanted to cry and cry and cry but I can't let myself do it. I know most of my Navy wife friends have had their good cry and are now just ready for their guys to be home, but I have not allowed myself that luxury. So much has happened these past two and a half weeks that I am now at the point that I feel that if I let myself cry, then I won't be able to control myself. I have two small, little people who depend on me to maintain control and some semblance of sanity in their lives. There have been a few times that I have gotten choked up and a tear or two came out but I reeled it in and controlled it. It's the only thing I can do at this point. A few times a day, I sit and I wonder if I can get in the shower or go in the bedroom or somewhere for just a minute or two of quiet time, by myself, and have that good cry; but there never seems to be time for me to do that. I can let the day to day get to me. Even where I am now, I am questioning everything. If I'm not worried about my own personal life in WA; I am worrying if we are driving G&J crazy with Steven's 2-year-old-temper-tantrums. *le sigh* it's always something, isn't it?

Zayda tried to giggle today and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen:)