Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

A friend remeinded me of this the other day and it does make you sit back and try to put things into perspective. There has been a lot of anxiousness going on lately, the large majority of it we can not help. It has really made me try to "let go and let God" but that is always much easier said then done.

I've been trying to rely on my faith this last several weeks, but finding it and holding it are hard to do without the one person who really taught you to do that in the first place. I miss listening to my husband pray for us, and our children. I don't know if Jason quite knows how much time I spend talking to God. It is almost a running dialogue...all day I speak with Him. I usually pray with both of our kids individually every night, asking Him to protect and watch over their daddy. The other night, during a particularly rough night, I held Zayda and prayed for 30 minutes to help me find the way to relieve some stress and not put so much pressure on myself because it was simply moving on to the kids; intuitive buggers that they are.

So these last couple days, especially, I have been trying to remember that God has a plan for us and we need to allow Him to make it happen. We have no control for what He wants us to do, we need to simply know that He knows what is best for us and follow His direction.

I love you Jason and we miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for our sweet smart little boy. Thank you for our gorgeous little girl.
    Thank you for my amazing wife.
    Thank you for humor everyday.
    Thank you for beauty in the world around us everywhere we look.
    Thank you for love.
    Thank you for music.
    Thank you for watching over us daily.
    Please continue to bless us while we're apart.
    Plase guide our decisions as parents.
    Please give me wisdom as a dad, husband, officer.
    Please help me be a better dad, husband, officer, person.
    Please help Jennifer's wrists to feel better.
    Thank you for hearing our prayers and for caring so much for us.
