Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 74 Things are different....

Some things have changed about me...and I thought you should know. It's so odd to think that when we are reunited as a family once again, that we will be the same people but at the same time different. I've had to think hard and come to terms with the fact that we will not be the same after this deployment, and other subsequent deployments. These things just change you, not really bad, just different.

So here's some things that are different and some that are the same:

I still love my coffee first thing in the morning....but I've switched to Hazelnut creamer instead of French Vanilla.

I have learned to crochet like a mad woman...and I think it's my favorite hobby actually. I still like scrapbooking and cardmaking as a 2nd, and sewing comings in 3rd. But this is very gratifying to me.

I don't fart. Yes, that it silly to put HERE but it is important because I think you need to know that my flatulence is YOUR fault. :)

My butt is a little more jiggly. Sorry about that...I'm at the point where I'm pretty sure no amount of time spent on the elliptical will save it. So that's what you are coming home to.

I'm not afraid of my mom anymore. If anything, if coming to Houston, has helped me with that, then I'm good. But when I first got here, I was constantly paranoid that I would run into her. I gave her all that power, for nothing. I've now realized that she's just a sad, pitiful, very angry woman who is lonely.

I wear socks all the time now, instead of just going barefoot.

I've started craving foods that you like and I don't particularly care for. I ordered a Monte Cristo the other day. It was good for the first 5 bites, then I remembered I don't like them.

I've become just a bit, like really just a little bit, more patient. Waiting for the gas tank to fill up still irritates the piss out of me.

Last one...and this is the biggest I think. I've never told you this, never told anyone this. But one reason I was afraid of the deployment was being left alone with the kids. Being the ONLY one they depended on. Why? because I've never felt like a good mother. I've never felt like I can be left alone with them for days upon days and them still be OK. I know it's silly but it's been a terrifying fear of mine some days. While I still don't think I'm the most fantastic mother in the world, I feel better about my abilities.

Your the best husband. The best father. I can't wait till you come home because I'm not a big fan of a piece of my heart floating around in the middle of no where:)

i love you....

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