Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 147 (207) Happy Birthday Nugget!


woah! a year old....it's crazy. This year has really gone by super fast, which is nice on one hand and crappy on the other.

I've had to sit and really think about her moments because it just seemed like one second I had a baby that was completely helpless, and dependent on me for everything and without even thinking about it I damn near have a toddler. She's such a beautiful girl and SO independent! She really doesn't like me to do anything for her anymore unless SHE wants me to do it. and so smart! She's just like her brother that way.

The other day I realized I hadn't taught her to clap or really showed her. So I showed her and literally, 3 minutes later, she was clapping and it's suddenly her favorite thing. The other day, I was cleaning out her ears, and I handed her a q-tip to get her to sit still and let me do it, and what does she do? She tries to clean her own ear - what 1 year old does that!? Maybe a ton of other babies do that but I'm still convinced mine is a genius because she can clean her own ears. I sat her in her high chair about 4days ago, put her little bowl of applesauce in front of her and the spoon next to it with the intention of getting the rest of her dinner adn coming back and feeding her. I came around the corner and she had spoon in hand and was feeding herself. So quick...it's all just so quick!

We are really close to being done! We leave in 3 days to start our little journey across the country and then we will be home and dealing with a whole other set of problems. This deployment didn't go the way we planned, things that we wanted to happen didn't happen but that's okay because it kept me busy and it kept me from focusing on you being gone. But I'm ready to get home and focusing on you being home :)

We miss you baby.....Zayda has been calling for her dada all day. They love me but they really want you...I'm fairly certain they are tired of their mama, lol! xoxox - me

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