Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 133 ( ahem - 193) this week always sucks

So hunny...you know I bitch to you on here because I don't particularly like to bitch to you in email because it's like I'm not really complaining if I do it here. So here it is.

This week is sucking!

It always sucks. Ever since I turned 25, it just sucks. There is nothing to be done about it...you know it's not your fault, it just, inevitably, always sucks. The whole week is a series of craptacular events that culminate into a really shitastic day on my actual birthday.

I don't really have high hopes for this one either. God love Tara, tho, she is going to try. She wants me to go out tomorrow to have some me time, but instead, I'll be spending a small fortune getting my phone fixed. She says I should get it fixed and then still go get a pedicure/massage/manicure. I say, after spending all that money on my phone, I won't want to get a pedicure. And I'm trying to just not think about my birthday day that much. The girls and I are doing dinner and a movie...and you can guess, that's just going to go swimmingly. That situation is getting to be stickier and stickier and I really don't know how to handle it.

I'm ready to go home and be a family again. I'm ready to sleep in our bed...and smell your clothes. Does that make me weird? I have a shirt here of yours...but your scent is gone from it. I accidentaly washed it one day, and yes, I cried when I realized I did it. :)

Zayda's eyes light up whens she sees you in your daddy videos. It's beautiful!

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