Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 28 - Bedtime Battles

Oh it was just one of those days! The kids are still in that rut, trying to figure out what is going on. I like that I am in here, but in many ways, I just really wished we had stayed put. There is many pros and cons to leaving vs staying but now I'm not sure if the pros outweighed the cons. There is something to be said for normalcy.

We spent about 45 minutes tonight getting him to go to bed...he just kept crying as he went to sleep, which he can't do, because it will wake up Zayda. So he kept getting put into time out. We did this 3 times before I think he realized that this was not the kind of staying up that he wanted to do. le sigh!

Zayda is such a silly girl! I went to a resale shop today and got her a pink walker with all these buttons adn stuff on it. Steven likes it too, of course. But I put her up to it, and when it started to move forward and her legs went with it, it was like a light went on! She got stupid excited! She went forward about 5 steps before it got to be too much for her. She also had a running argument, not conversation, argument, with herself in the big mirror in Tara's living room. Really cute.

Anway...tomorrow, I will get some pics of her in the walker.

I am doing okay...have been really missing you especially more the last few days. I don't know if it's just being here without you just feels weird or what...but I wish you were here. Only 5.5 more months! I know that sounds silly to say, but really, we have already done 3 and we are FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!

we miss you...
we love you...
we are SO proud of you....


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