Thursday, April 22, 2010

dad dad dad dad dad

It is crazy to think how at such a young age, Steven is already very aware of us and what we say. I did not think that Steven would be so intuitive about Jason leaving. But at 23 months, he is already full aware that his daddy is not here. The weeks up to daddy leaving, his attitude and his sleep were definetly affected. But now that daddy is gone, I think he can tell that daddy is not coming home tonight so there is no reason for him to wake up in the middle of the night. That's not to say that he does not think of daddy all the time. Today, was the cutest thing, he sat there and had a 5 minute running conversation with a photo of his daddy. Every once in a while he would turn to me, and point at me and say a couple of words as if to reafirm what he was saying. Then for a few minutes he just looked at the photo and said, "dad" over and over again. He misses his daddy and I can't wait to see what he does when he sees him again :)

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