Saturday, April 24, 2010

my chunka-punk

I know the name 'chunka-punk' is probably not the nicest nickname you want to get stuck with, my sweet little Zayda, but it's stuck. I tried to make jelly bean stick, but you're just not a jelly bean. Your a chunka-punk...and a nugget. Those two are on you, unless you manage to look a lot less chunka-y and nugget-y, then those are your nick names for now. If you want something cutesy sweet, then you are gonna have to go to your daddy and he can call you Princess or whatever! Yesterday, my little chunka-punk had her 2 month well-baby appointment and she is 16 lbs and 25 inches long. That is 99% for weight, and 93% for height. Goodness! Growing so fast, I just can not help it. I just want to hold her and will her to stop growing for a little bit. I still think that she is making herself do all of her growing right now, before daddy leaves so that when daddy goes, she will stop growing and he'll get the same size baby girl back! Just watch, she is going to be our petite, skinny little nugget when she is older. Ahhhh, my nugget, I can't wait to watch you grow through out the years!

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