Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 21 - Happy Birthday!

Thought about you a lot today! You got all kinds of birthday wishes on your facebook page...they will be there for you when you can get into port and you feel like checking. Uncle Jim said welcome to 30....so I had to remind you were not quite there yet;) Lets see....you also got birthday wishes from Julie's Tara, Gina, a video card from Mary and the kids, Aaron, David Klaren, Kevin Gray, Laura McCloskey, David King, Alicea Hill and I'm sure a few others, I just don't remember at the current moment in time! I hope you got to do something semi-enjoyable for your birthday...now that I think about it, we should have had a cake in your honor or something, lol. But nope, we did not. We did have some leftover raisen bar, but no cake. So today we went outside for some cocktail fun while the dinner was cooking on the grill. Apparently, as you can tell from the following video (sorry, I couldn't get it to rotate) the only time Steven will shower and NOT complain is if he is outside! Was simply way to cute. I apparently missed him turning around and shaking his butt at the hose!
ohhhhh, Mr. House, we miss you so much...we love you and we can't wait to see you again:)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 19 - Bathtub fun!

oh my goodness these two are ri-donk-u-lous! The two of them gave me a run for my money today so I decided to give them a bath together again...and silly silly silly! Steven is so conflicted, he is stuck between wanting to douse her with water and help me actually clean her...silly boy!

Zayda did really well sitting up in the tub, with NO help! I think she was just glad to be by her big brother!

Jason...we miss you and love you so much!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 15 - what a funny guy

I'm telling you...he does it on purpose! I think he knows the nugget is in bed and if he gets up at this time, he will get mommy and possibly grandma too, allllll to himself. And he loves to sit in between them on the couch and snuggle!

the only thing that would have been better is if he had had popcorn!

Today was a decent day...didn't do a whole lot becuase I was pretty tired, thanks to our beatiful daughter! I did take a nap with her and she was gracious enough to sleep for a few hours today so that I could with her as well...but of course, that's why it is 1:42 and I am updating this, lol....

I've been thinking more and more about opening a shop...I really like working with yarn! big surprise that I like a new media...I know! Melissa has offered to trade photos with babies/kids for keeping the hat...sweet deal I think....

well...baby, wanted to post day 15. one more day closer to homecoming... love you!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 14 - A letter to my husband....

Dear husband of mine.....

I miss your scrawny little butt, which I have been recently assured is becoming super rock-hard abalicious. I really wish I could just give you a big ole hug and a nice little snuggle. I even miss watching you as you fall asleep on the couch at night, and I never thought I would say that! crazy huh?!

But I am worried about you...you seem so sad and like you are not overcoming this deployment issue. We are officially two weeks in but we are really in all actuality, 2.5 months in, and we are so far doing fantastic. I think....the kids are adjusting, and I am fine. We are all in a time where we are just waiting for you to come home and see you again. We know that it is hard, and we all have our moments, and I have my occasional moment where sunglasses are required so no one sees the tears, but we are moving forward and moving on. What can I do from this far to help you get out of your funk and moving on? you make me worry....and I can't not worry about you....you are my best friend, my lover, my heart, the other part of me and you are in a funk...so that makes me in a funk.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 10 - ohmygoodnessfreakinghelpmenowplease......

and simply relazing with momma....
.... and in case you forgot...she's Rad like Dad..but unfortunately this shirt got donated to the Behlke's!
-----> and this one is ridiculous...he now will take you by the hand and bring you to the closet and be like "snack! snack!" and think that if he is cute enough you will give it to him!!

<---- I know, I know, me and the foodie pix are a little ridiculous...but you know what? she seriously gets PISSED if you take away her pickle even tho you are just trying to give her a new one!

So, I know that we talked earlier and you said it's hard because it has been only 9 days...well hunny, it has been 3 months, remember? And that's been easy peasy! we can do this...with our eyes shut, and hands ties behind our backs! we are ALL over it!

Pretty easy day really, can't complain. Your daughter being ridiuclous and your son acting ridiculous. Zayda sure is getting pretty bossy when it comes to her food...when she wants it, she like wants it NOW! wonder where she got that from. Steven bought an app off of itunes apparently..but I'm glad that it was at least an app from Parents magazine and it is just a bunch of different sets of flash cards....how nifty is that?! what a smart boy....

anyway...I'm going to go. I can't wait for my laptop to get here, I think then I will be better at updating and emailing you.

we sure do miss you Mr House...:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 6 - I practiced restraint!

So today we got up nice and early and headed out to the Tucson Gem show...it apparently is not nearly as big as the other one but good enough. We spent quite a bit looking around and all the gems and stones and beads were cute, but it was very overwhelming, I didn't know where to start and if I had bought something, I wouldn't have known what to do with it! I did want to buy a necklace that I had seen, made of yellow jade, but your dad took off with my wallet - apparently he was not having the greatest of times :P! So end result, didn't get the necklace....

So check out the pics below.....your little nugget totally tore apart a mini-pancake! We had pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner, which Steven enjoyed and since they were mini's I let her have one and OMG!!! she totally loves big people food...I think she will be eating that stuff much sooner then Steven did, she is just way to into the food! I told Julie I was going to make her be a pig for Halloween and she said that would be mean? what do you think? lol....

And our little man!love him so sweet and was a total porker at dinner tonight himself...he ate 3 eggs, and 6 mini pancakes...and had just finished 2 bowls of animal crackers. growing growing boy!

Snow White came on tonight and Steven seemed to really like it, so I thought maybe I would look for some of the classics for him :)

<----- and what do you think about this?! we found Lightening McQueen! how cool!

We love you...and miss you...and so very proud of you!!!!!!!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 5 - tired tired tired tired...

Fell asleep today, on the floor, with Steven sitting in the crook of my arm because he was being needy and Zayda pulling my hair because she was STARVING (in her defense, it was 5 o clock) but I fell super-way asleep. I only woke up 15 minutes later, and Steven was still in the crook of my arm and Zayda was still pulling my hair, only by this time she had drooled in it too, because Julie yelled out "COFFEE". (sigh)

Long day today...we got up and went on a mission to find pajamas! We had to stop by Costco for diapers and formula and to Old Navy because I had a coupon that expired today. BTW, babe, you bought me a super cute sweater-jacket, Steven two long sleeve shirts for winter and Zayda a long sleeve outfit for winter...thanks...your a peach! all on sale, btw, natch!

So then went to JoAnns and found NOTHING I needed...that's right...NOTHING. Went to Quilters Market and my intent was to find stuff for our quilt but instead I bought a kit to make Zayda a big blanket that is comprised entirely of MINKY! They had a sample quilt already made in the store and I wrapped it around her face and she just positively BEAMED!!!!! so we just had to get the kit.....:)

Steven was in a crabby mood today, all day, so no nap until 4 pm really didn't help the issue...but I guess what are you going to do..it sucks being this far away from things. But we got Zayda bigger jammies which is good because I do not want what happened last night to happen again...talk about feeling like shit! and to think I was just waiting for her to work it out and she was in pain...horrible...:(

well...I am off to finish dad's quilt and then a variety of other projects.

We love you and we miss you soooooooooo much! Kisses to daddy from his babies.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3 - Obsessively checking my email :)

I hate this ship and I love this ship! I undersand what it stands for and what it's purpose is...but it took my husband! This ship is the reason that I sleep with my phone, go to the bathroom with my phone, exercise with my phone...eat with my phone...I'm sure you get my drift.

I spend my whole day constantly updating in hopes that I will have an email, a letter or otherwise, from Jason. Someday, I'm sure, he is actually going to pick up this weird thing called "a pen" and the other weird thing called "paper" and write me an honest to God letter. someday. but until then....I will continue to check obsessively.

Today was a good day...Zayda ran around like crazy on the walker and Steven woke up from his -way-to-short nap in a really good mood so who cares. I had an excellent work out, which is always nice. And Janie came home from the doctor cancer-free, so beautiful.

Oh and Dad and Julie got their new dishwasher and microwave in...so except that fact that you are gone, all is good.

we miss you and love you...


Day 2 - they really don't know

You know what bugs me??? Fakers! Unfortunately we have a few in this family.....ugh, blows!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1 - Poo and Puke has officially Hit the fan...

Well...tranformation once again...I'm going to attempt to do this everyday for you. This way, if you don't always get an email then you can see what is going on, in addition to all the photos that I send you.

This morning I "awoke", which is silly because that would imply that I slept, to your lovely daughter squealing at me and Steven laying across me, moaning, with his hands pressed tight against the side of his head. He is apparently as over Zayda's screaming as I am. But I've declared war on her sleeping habits and I will freaking win! Breakfast, he puked again, which was awesome. They both pooped all over the place...over all, a stellar morning.

They both napped moderatly well...Steven only for 2 hours, but I'll take what I can get when he doesn't feel good :) I am working some more on my dad's quilt, I have the center done but still need to the sashing...pain!

I watched everyone's facebook posts today and felt really detached from it all. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it was kind of just a day for me. I think mainly because I'm just over all the major BS and ready to see you back here again next year...it will fly I promise....

We miss you, Jason, so very much. We love you...