Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 6 - I practiced restraint!

So today we got up nice and early and headed out to the Tucson Gem apparently is not nearly as big as the other one but good enough. We spent quite a bit looking around and all the gems and stones and beads were cute, but it was very overwhelming, I didn't know where to start and if I had bought something, I wouldn't have known what to do with it! I did want to buy a necklace that I had seen, made of yellow jade, but your dad took off with my wallet - apparently he was not having the greatest of times :P! So end result, didn't get the necklace....

So check out the pics below.....your little nugget totally tore apart a mini-pancake! We had pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner, which Steven enjoyed and since they were mini's I let her have one and OMG!!! she totally loves big people food...I think she will be eating that stuff much sooner then Steven did, she is just way to into the food! I told Julie I was going to make her be a pig for Halloween and she said that would be mean? what do you think? lol....

And our little man!love him so sweet and was a total porker at dinner tonight himself...he ate 3 eggs, and 6 mini pancakes...and had just finished 2 bowls of animal crackers. growing growing boy!

Snow White came on tonight and Steven seemed to really like it, so I thought maybe I would look for some of the classics for him :)

<----- and what do you think about this?! we found Lightening McQueen! how cool!

We love you...and miss you...and so very proud of you!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. LOL in that one picture she's like "GIVE ME MORE PANCAKES DAMMIT!!!!!!!!" Holy cow. Lay off me I'm starving, huh? Love my super cute babies. Why wasn't dad having the greatest time? What did the necklace look like, I've never even seen a yellow jade. Can you find me a picture of it? Go ahead and buy all the classic Disney you can find. Love you. Kisses.
