Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1 - Poo and Puke has officially Hit the fan...

Well...tranformation once again...I'm going to attempt to do this everyday for you. This way, if you don't always get an email then you can see what is going on, in addition to all the photos that I send you.

This morning I "awoke", which is silly because that would imply that I slept, to your lovely daughter squealing at me and Steven laying across me, moaning, with his hands pressed tight against the side of his head. He is apparently as over Zayda's screaming as I am. But I've declared war on her sleeping habits and I will freaking win! Breakfast, he puked again, which was awesome. They both pooped all over the place...over all, a stellar morning.

They both napped moderatly well...Steven only for 2 hours, but I'll take what I can get when he doesn't feel good :) I am working some more on my dad's quilt, I have the center done but still need to the sashing...pain!

I watched everyone's facebook posts today and felt really detached from it all. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it was kind of just a day for me. I think mainly because I'm just over all the major BS and ready to see you back here again next year...it will fly I promise....

We miss you, Jason, so very much. We love you...

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